Meeting someone for the first time can be intimidating, and going to a new church can be nerve-racking!
We want to make your first experience at KSBC a great one by answering some questions you may have.
More than just a friendly church we want to be a connected church. Be ready to be loved, learn about God, and equipped to serve Jesus.
Christ loves us just as we are! So whether it’s jeans and a t-shirt or a 3 piece suit, together is what’s most important.
Sunday mornings at KSBC start off with our Sunday school & small group classes at 9:45a. These groups are amazing to form friendships, discuss life applications of the Word, and more. We hope you’ll join a group!
Our Sunday worship services begin at 11:00am with two main goals; glorify God and edify the Body. This means that we sing songs of praise, share testimonies of how God has been good, and study the Word of God. We’ll laugh, cry and praise God together.
Grab any one of our guest parking spots and head towards our worship center!
Here you’ll find the “Welcome Room” and a couple of our greeting team volunteers ready to meet you. They can help you find classes, grab a cup of coffee from the kitchen or help locate the nursery area. They can even save you the perfect seat for worship.
Kids are so important to the life of KSBC! @ksbckids & @ksbcyouth provide opportunities Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights for them to learn in fun, age-appropriate ways.
Nursery care and extended care is available during the Sunday morning worship time at 11:00a for birth-Kindergarten. However, we also love having kids in worship service! We hope you choose what is best and most comfortable for your family.
For our smaller guests that come into the Worship service, we provide clipboards ready each week with “Kid’s Sermon Notes”, pencils & crayons. These are located in the back of the sanctuary next to the Welcome Room. Kids are welcome to grab one each week!
Have children 0-6 years old for the Kid’s Light nursery area? Save time on Sunday mornings by Pre-registering for check-ins!